Artisan Almond Butter

In stock | 8oz

per 8oz

x Q64.99 = Q64.99


Creamy and flavorful, our Almond Butter is rich in the following vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein! Enjoy it with sliced ​​apples, bananas or just some cookies.

  • biotin (Vitamin B7 necessary for the metabolism of fats and sugars)
  • vitamin E (essential to keep the skin firm, considered a super antioxidant to keep the cardiovascular system healthy)
  • manganese (important antioxidant for bone production, sugar metabolism and collagen production)
  • copper (antioxidant that helps with the formation of bones and blood vessels, keeps dark hair dark and prevents anemia)
  • vitamin B2 (plays an important role in metabolism, offers protection against free radicals and prevents anemia)
  • Phosphorus (Necessary for strong bones, maintains proper pH in various body systems, and necessary for cellular energy.
  • Magnesium (maintains the integrity of the nervous system, reduces inflammation, controls blood sugar levels and is important for bone formation)

Ingredients: almond

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