With love
What do your pets like to eat?
By: Susana Fuentes, Raw Pet Food Nutrition Specialist Why add fresh food to your pet's diet? Let's talk a little about carnivores, dogs, wolves, cats, ferrets, etc. What does it mean that they are carnivores? Basically that your body is prepared to absorb nutrients from other animal sources. The closest wild reference that we have is that of wolves, whose DNA differs by only 0.2% from that of dogs1, and it has been verified that in their stomach they have the organs, muscles, bones and also the chewed and fermented vegetables of their prey. Some fruits, herbs and vegetables have...
The Wisdom of Our Bodies to Heal
HOLISTIC NUTRITION By: JP Canale If you are traveling pleasantly in your vehicle and suddenly notice that the "Oil Change" light comes on, what do you do, pay attention to the warning and change the oil in the car or simply turn off the light hoping to forget the problem? Our bodies work in a similar way when we experience some physical symptom. The problem is that we have been programmed to believe that this is the villain of the novel, and with the desire to eradicate it at all costs, or to -take away the oil change light- we...
organic vs. Conventional
ORGANIC VS. CONVENTIONAL Did you know that according to USAID, Guatemala is one of the most ecologically diverse nations on the planet, with 14 different eco-regions and incredible biological and cultural diversity? Guatemala also has the largest forested area in Mesoamerica and the second largest contiguous forest in the Americas after the Amazon. These areas are threatened, however, by loss of habitat, deforestation, overexploitation of natural resources, and environmental contamination. In addition to these threats, and according to the Global Climate Risk Index 2015, Guatemala is one of the 10 countries most affected by extreme weather worldwide as a result...